The Purge Temporary Stays command allows you to manually purge temporary stay records from the system. When creating a reservation, before a guest is attached, the reservation is considered temporary (it has a status of "TEMP"). Any record still with a "TEMP" status after 20 minutes will be purged automatically by Skyware. Use this command if you need to purge temporary records prior to the default 20 minute wait interval for purging (for example if a reservation is "hung up" in the system and you need to block the room associated with the TEMP record). Skyware will confirm that it has purged the temporary stays with a pop up message saying "All Temporary records have been purged!".
NOTE: Using this command will purge ALL stays with a "TEMP" status - including those currently in progress. You should verify that no one is in the process of creating a reservation when you select to manually purge.
The Purge Temporary Stays command is found in the Manager's Commands Screen area, which contains features that are typically used by a Manager, rather than a regular Staff member.
Click the icon on the left for the Full Menu.
This will display the Full menu in a tabular form, with four sections, Registration, Status, Cashier and Other.
Select Other from the Other section.
This will take you to the Other Front Desk Tasks menu, which has four sections, Other List 1, Other List 2, Documents and Web.
Select Manager's Screen to be taken to the Manager's Command screen.
Select Manager's Screen from the Quick Menu on the left side of the screen, to be taken to the Manager's Commands screen.
Select Purge Temporary Stays from the Manager's Maintenance section.
When the command Purge Temporary Stays is selected, Skyware will IMMEDIATELY PURGE any temporary reservations (those with the TEMP status) that exist in the system.
Once this has been completed, a pop up message will appear informing you that all the temporary records have been removed.
Date Updated May 12, 2022